by Rae Denman | Jan 11, 2019 | Medical Tattooing, Skin pigmentation, Vitiligo
How Medical Tattooing works with Hypo-Pigmentation Hypo-pigmentation. An area of skin that has lost all or some of its pigment. Its colouring. An area of skin that is lighter than the surrounding skin either as a birthmark, as a result of trauma or medication....
by Rae Denman | Jan 2, 2019 | Camouflage, Medical Tattooing, Port Wine Stains, Skin pigmentation, Uncategorized
Do you have a Port Wine Stain that concerns you? Have you finished all laser treatments and still not happy? Most Port Wine Stains affect the face which can cause a lack of self confidence for some people. The questions, the regular comments and potentially...
by Rae Denman | Nov 26, 2018 | burns, Camouflage, Medical Tattooing, Scarring, Scars, Self-harm, Skin pigmentation, Uncategorized
Skin is made up of a range of colours giving an overall visual of different tones of browns and creams. When mixing colours there are only 3 primary colours that make up the full range of colour that we see. Red, Blue and Yellow. The skin spectrum range is cool to...
by Rae Denman | Nov 13, 2018 | Breasts, Brows, burns, Camouflage, Eyeliner, Medical Tattooing, permanent makeup, Self-harm, Semi-Permanent Makeup, Skin pigmentation, Tattoo Removal
Exciting times for Rae Denman launching a new website, new brows, and a new clinic! It’s the launch of my new website and before I tell you about the exciting changes I want to send a huge ‘Thank You’ to the people that have aided this new site....
by Rae Denman | Oct 3, 2018 | Brows, Eyeliner, permanent makeup, Semi-Permanent Makeup, Skin pigmentation
SR Brows – a new technique for permanent eyebrows A new technique using a combination of needles and pigments creates a brow worthy of its own blog. The SR Brow is the newest innovation to sweep the Permanent Makeup World. After years of fine-tuning different...
by Rae Denman | Sep 21, 2018 | Camouflage, Medical Tattooing, Scalp pigmentation, Scarring, Scars, Self-harm, Skin pigmentation
Port Wine Stains, Scarring and Hair Loss can affect not only the physical appearance of an individual but also inner confidence, creating limitations on their lifestyle. Rae Denman can help using Medical Tattooing and Camouflage Techniques. Rae’s Specialist...
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