by Rae Denman | May 14, 2019 | Camouflage, Medical Tattooing, Port Wine Stains, Scarring, Self-harm, Skin grafts, Skin pigmentation, Uncategorized
Partnerships to provide better care as practitioners to make sure treatment is the correct one for each patient that walks through your door. I am partnering up in my Reigate clinic with Dr Zoe Poole (clinical psychologist) to implement protocols and standard...
by Rae Denman | Apr 27, 2019 | Breasts, Camouflage, Medical Tattooing, Scarring, Scars, Skin grafts, Skin pigmentation
Media coverage today has highlighted the increasing concerns for a duty of care and awareness of the mental health impact on vulnerable patients who explore cosmetic and medical procedures. The British Association of Medical Tattooists was founded by Rae...
by Rae Denman | Apr 26, 2019 | burns, Camouflage, Medical Tattooing, permanent makeup, Scarring, Scars, Skin grafts, Skin pigmentation
Have you had or know anyone with a skin graft? Does it affect them visually? A skin graft is usually lighter in colour than the surrounding skin causing a visible difference that can cause concern and a lack of confidence for some people. How can...
by Rae Denman | Mar 20, 2019 | Breasts, Brows, Camouflage, Eyeliner, Hair Loss, Medical Tattooing, permanent makeup, Scalp pigmentation, Scarring, Scars, Semi-Permanent Makeup
Are you looking for a Practitioner Medical Tattooist or Permanent Makeup Artist? Do you know what it is you are looking for? Do you know what your expectations are? When you go for a consultation, do you choose the practitioner on locality or finances? ...
by Rae Denman | Feb 26, 2019 | Brows, Hair Loss, Medical Tattooing, Scalp pigmentation, Scarring, Scars, Skin pigmentation
Don’t suffer in silence – Medical Tattooing may be a solution Many women are suffering in silence about hair loss and thinning hair. After an emotional trauma or a physical accident, the stress can lead to hair falling out leaving much thinner hair,...
by Rae Denman | Feb 13, 2019 | Breasts, Brows, burns, Camouflage, Medical Tattooing, permanent makeup, Semi-Permanent Makeup
The Women’s Institute was founded in 1897 in Canada by a small farming community that bought together women from isolated communities and offered them training in aspects of home and farming. The WI moved to Britain in 1915 to encourage countrywomen to...
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