by Rae Denman | Sep 22, 2021 | Cleft Lip, Medical Tattooing, Scarring, Scars
Cleft lip to cupids bow with Medical Tattooing With the beginning of the term for schools, colleges, and universities, this time can be fraught with worry over one’s appearance. We all long to be accepted, to be liked, and to find healthy relationships....
by Rae Denman | Apr 19, 2021 | Camouflage, camouflage Cream, hypo-pigmentation, Medical Tattooing, Port Wine Stains, Scarring, Scars, Skin grafts, Skin pigmentation
How you can feel more body confident As the weather turns warmer, instead of feeling nervous and anxious about wearing your summer clothes and visiting friends on the beach or by a poolside (wouldn’t that be nice!), here are some simple tips to help regain your...
by Rae Denman | Mar 31, 2021 | Camouflage, camouflage Cream, Medical Tattooing
Transgender Day of Visibility A trans person is someone who feels that their gender identity does not correspond to the one they were given at birth. We are all unique, and we are all individuals, but we all need community, friends, family and the support of others...
by Rae Denman | Mar 10, 2021 | Medical Tattooing, Women in business, work/life balance
Has lockdown shown us a way to work smarter? An honest and open account of the highs and lows lockdown has brought over the last 12 months for me professionally and personally and using this experience as a way to work smarter. I loved the first lockdown. For...
by Rae Denman | Feb 10, 2021 | Medical makeup, Medical Tattooing, permanent makeup, Port Wine Stains, Scarring, Scars, Uncategorized
Rae was invited to speak on Sarah Gorrell’s lunchtime show on BBC Radio Surrey recently to talk about her creative background and how this led her to pursue a career as a professional Medical Tattooist. This was a great platform for Rae to tell her story and help the...
by Rae Denman | Feb 5, 2021 | Camouflage, camouflage Cream, Medical Tattooing, Scarring, Self-harm
Supporting children’s visible differences and their mental health Children’s Mental Health is imperative if we are to raise healthy and resourceful adults Now is more important than ever to check in with our children and young people around us to really find...
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