Rae’s Blog

Microblading –  It could be time for removal?

Microblading – It could be time for removal?

Microblading has been the buzz word in semi-permanent makeup for the last year now. Unfortunately this has created some unsatisfactory results when in inexperience hands. Now using new technology brows can be removed safely and effectively. No acid, no pain and no scarring.

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Tattoo Removal with Rae Denman

Do you have unwanted tattoos or permanent makeup. Have your brows been tattooed too thick, too dark or not your natural shape? It’s time for tattoo removal, Rae Denman can help.

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Written on the Body

Love your imperfections or not, I’m just grateful I can use what is natural to me – caring and drawing on bodies – in a combined way to help people.

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The trouble with microblading in the wrong hands!

"I had very sparse eyebrows after years of plucking, and on a friend's recommendation, I took the plunge and had my eyebrows microbladed. Unfortunately after a long consultation and much drawing of the new brows, I walked out with two black huge caterpillars on my...

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Camouflage scars with Medical Tattooing

When you’ve had surgery whether for medical or cosmetic reasons there will always be a scar that will range from a very fine line to a stretched larger area. Rae Denman share how you can camouflage scars with Medical Tattooing

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