by Rae Denman | Jan 10, 2023 | Medical makeup, Medical Tattooing, visible difference, Women in business
Living with a Visible Difference Wishing all my patients, colleagues, and upcoming trainees a really healthy 2023. Entering into 2023 there is a renewed spirit and sense of hope that ‘things will get better’. The year 2022 was hard for so many people, whether...
by Rae Denman | Nov 23, 2022 | Brows, Cancer, Eyeliner, Hair Loss, Macmillian
I identified with my reflection once more Patient Story – Medical Tattooing for hair loss following cancer treatment “I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and have been through two rounds of chemotherapy up until early this year. The type of chemotherapy I...
by Rae Denman | Nov 23, 2022 | Camouflage, camouflage Cream, Medical Tattooing, Port Wine Stains
Medical Tattooing on Facial Port Wine Stains – Treatment and Results As a specialist Medical Tattooist, I understand the distress that a visible difference can cause, and the impact it can have on a patient’s life in terms of confidence and...
by Rae Denman | Nov 7, 2022 | Areola Tattooing, Gender Reassignment Surgery, hypo-pigmentation, Medical makeup, Medical Tattooing, Nipple Tattooing, Women in business
Patient Care and what it really means Patient noun a person who is under medical care or treatment. a person or thing that undergoes some action. Care verb (used without object), cared, car·ing. to be concerned or solicitous; have thought or regard. to be...
by Rae Denman | Oct 18, 2022 | Scarring, Scars, Skin grafts, Skin pigmentation
Skin Graft Re-pigmentation with Medical Tattooing If your skin has been affected by a major wound and had a need for a skin graft, the skin graft itself may present as a visible difference. Skin graft re-pigmentation with medical tattooing can be used to visually...
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