Unwanted scarring from surgery?

Do you have unwanted scarring from surgery? Sometimes scarring can be more visible than anticipated leaving an unhappy patient that wishes they had not had surgery in the first place.

Surgical scar camouflage

What if the visibility of the scarring can be reduced and you can be happy with the results of the surgery?

Medical tattooing can be used to implant skin coloured pigment into your scar to reduce its visibility and camouflage it to your natural skin colour. This can result in increased confidence and an ability to get back to normal daily tasks.

Skin Conditions and visible differences can have a devastating effect on people and may be psychologically damaging to men, women and children irrespective of their age, nationality, religion, size of the visible difference, or whether it is immediately visible or hidden by clothing and hairstyle.

A lot of people will suffer in silence, not consulting their healthcare professional in case its deemed as a “cosmetic concern” and not mentioning it to friends for fear of rejection or judgement.

Studies show that anxiety levels are much higher in people with a skin condition, and research confirms that up to a 1/3 of people report that they have suffered from psychological distress including;

  • Rejection and isolation
  • Unwarranted stares and comments
  • Intrusive and inappropriate questioning
  • Name-calling and verbal abuse

The extent of surgical scarring can be a result of many different factors but good scar care: daily massaging and moisturising will make a long term difference to the flatness and the texture of the scar.

However, often the visible difference occurs through the discolouration. A scar can often be lighter than the surrounding skin making it more noticeable.

The only way to add pigment to the scar is through micro pigmentation / medical tattooing or scar camouflage cream.

Skin camouflage products such as creams and powders are a temporary solution which although it cannot alter the structure of the skin, the immediate visual effect may help the person to regain self-esteem, which can lead to an improvement in their general health and assist in a return to normal social-sporting activities and employment. With Camouflage you can never remove the visible difference, but you can conceal the discolouration in order to make it less noticeable to oneself when glancing in the mirror, and to others when out and about. To have the choice of covering it up, can take the pressure off, even if they choose not to use it. Choice for some people can mean freedom. For some skin conditions this is the only choice.

For people that want a more permanent resolution, Medical Tattooing is available.

Medical tattooing is a way to add colour to an area of the face or body by implanting that colour under the skin. This can be for the purpose of creating an image, such as nipple areola tattooing, eyebrow tattooing etc, or it can be used as a way to camouflage, so for instance putting skin coloured pigment into scarring or skin grafts.

Take a look at the gallery of before and after images on my Medical Tattooing Scarring Page 

The way it differs from normal body tattooing is that ink is a large molecule that cannot travel through the layers of the skin into the lymph system, whereas medically certified pigment is a smaller molecule that can be broken down by the body and therefore removed. This means it is only semi-permanent in its nature. Over time the colour will fade and a retouch will be needed.

If your scarring or visible difference bothers you, there is now a treatment to help. Book for a consultation in person or via Skype / FaceTime if you live far away to discuss your needs and expectations. I will give you my expert opinion on your individual case, helping you make the right choice for you.


For more information on Medical Tattooing or Skin Camouflage email me at: makeup@raedenman.co.uk