A typical clinic day with Rae Denman Medical Tattooist

A day in the clinic with Rae Denman highlighting the different concerns that medical tattooing can treat.


I often get asked what treatments I’ve performed in the clinic so I thought I’d start sharing a typical day clinic day. Hopefully, it will be an interesting read, as well as highlighting the different types of concerns that people have, and that medical tattooing can treat.

A lot of times these are concerns that are not shared with friends and family members, so I’m hoping it’s helpful to share these anonymously so others know they are not alone in these matters.


clinic day with Rae Denman Medical Tattooist

Clinic Day 1

Patient 1
A burn scar on the upper arm of a female patient age 32, Fitzpatrick type IV. In order to improve the texture and the colour of the scar she has already had numerous laser treatments and the scar is now relatively flat with a mix of hyper and hypopigmentation.

Topical anaesethic is applied whilst the pigment choice is mixed. This type of scar needs to be worked on slowly and carefully over a period of a few months. A soft skin undertone colour was chosen to take the whiteness away from the hypopigmentation, being careful not to stimulate the hyperpigmentation. A dressing was applied and the aftercare was explained. The second treatment was booked for 8 weeks time.

Patient 2
Multiple mole removal scars on back and arms of a female patient age 41, Fitzpatrick type I. These scars are often improved with microneedling rather than medical tattooing so we continue treatment on older scars as well as the newly healed ones (at least 3 months post removal).

No anaesethic is required and using different depths of needle each scar is worked on with the aim of breaking down the scar tissue and stimulating the collagen.

So far, after 4 sessions we have scars that are much smoother, less indented and they blend in the skin tone. As the scars are small, I use small plasters over each one, the aftercare is explained and the balm given. The next session is booked in for 6 weeks time.


Patients with Hypopigmentation

Patient 3
Hypopigmentation on the outside area of the lower lip on a male patient age 29, Fitzpatrick type VI. This is the second treatment of medical tattooing and the first one gave very little change.

A topical anaesthetic is applied and a different pigment is mixed that is 2 tones darker than the previous one. Treatment is quick and painless. An aftercare balm is applied as well as given for him to take home, as well as the aftercare being explained. A review is booked for 4 weeks time.

Patient 4
A personal area of a male age 46, Fitzpatrick type V shows extensive hypopigmentation. The hypopigmented area is anaesthetised with a topical cream and the skin tone mixed. Three different shades of the skin tone is mixed so the overall look once tattooed is more realistic. A dressing is applied and the aftercare is explained. The second treatment is booked in for 6 weeks time.


Concentration, Conversation, and Contentment.

Patient 5
Mastectomy on the right breast with nipple reconstruction of a female age 59, Fitzpatrick type II. The symmetry of the breasts and the nipple alignment is in the correct place.

No anaesethic was required as the patient couldn’t feel anything in that area of the breast. This was the second session so the shape and size was already in place and it just needed darkening and any patches to be filled in. The edges were softened and blended outwards for realism. A dressing was applied and aftercare was explained.

Once I have cleaned up the room and packed my equipment away, I will write up my patient notes, upload their photographs to a secure server, and head home.

It’s another busy day filled with concentration, conversation, and contentment. I gain a lot from meeting so many different types of people and chatting with them. I hope I manage to give them as much back.


Would you like more information about medical tattooing for scars?

To book a consultation please contact us via info@raedenman.co.uk,

07967 758714, or complete our enquiry form below.

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