My port wine birthmark and medical tattooing

Read a patient’s journey about her port wine birthmark and medical tattooing with Rae Denman


I was delighted to receive this testimonial from a patient who came to my clinic to investigate medical tattooing for a port wine stain birthmark on her face. Following a successful treatment and recovery, my patient wanted to share the message below, for which I am so grateful. Testimonials help other patients who are considering treatment with medical tattooing understand the treatment, recovery, and impact concerning their visible differences.


My port wine birthmark

I was born with a port wine birthmark down the side of my nose and across my eyelid and a little above my eyebrow. I didn’t think anything of it until my teenage years. However, my mum wanted it gone as she thought it would cause me upset in later life. She tried ridding it with ice cubes pressed on it every night whilst she read me a bedtime story, but of course to no avail then when it came to school photographs it was covered, rather badly, with pressed powder foundation, which was mum’s skin tone, not mine!

Lose-lose situation

Between the ages of ten and twenty-five I received annual pulse-dye laser treatment which was very sore, (particularly because I had to have a metal contact lens put across my eye due to the closeness of the treatment area). The treatment itself was like having lots of elastic bands pinged across my nose in quick succession, leaving it black with bruising for up to two weeks each time. I hated to return to school looking like this! However, after all this treatment, the colour faded only marginally and I still had to cover it with thick specialist make-up everyday. I could never leave the house without the make-up and it took a long time to cover. I would then worry all day that my thick make-up was obvious. It was a lose-lose situation.

In my mid-twenties I decided to give up with the treatment and just find the very best make-up and use that daily and get on with life.

I went on to have two children and therefore I got used to having to do the make-up as quickly as possible whilst getting ready for school and work. I later went on to have twins! It was at this point ten years ago that I thought life would be so much easier in the mornings without a birthmark to cover! I searched for new treatment and went for more laser treatment, hoping technology had moved on and that the treatment might be more successful, but not so. My understanding is that pulsed dye is far more successful on young skin and children receive far better results.

Finding medical tattooing treatment

Shortly after this, I read a magazine article whilst awaiting a dental appointment, and glanced at a story of a lady who’d had a tattoo to cover a scar, and it made me think how great it would be to have flesh-coloured ink on my port wine stain to hide it. I thought it probably wasn’t possible due to the swollen blood vessels below the skin.

Then I went home and googled! I found Rae! The only place that seems to carry out the treatment I wanted, and much to my delight she is based just under an hour away from my home.

Following Medical Tattooing Treatment

I booked an appointment immediately and have now had four treatments and life is so much easier. I have the confidence finally to walk around without make-up. However, I do wear light foundation to work and social events. It takes me a fraction of the time to get ready in the morning, and the best bit of all, after all this time I can look people in the eye and have a conversation without feeling self-conscious about the port wine stain showing through or the thick ugly make-up being obvious for all to see.

Thank you Rae!

If you would like to find out more about Medical Tattooing for Port Wine Stain Birthmarks take a look at my dedicated page: Port Wine Stain Removal London | Surrey – Rae Denman

To book a consultation, use this direct link and book your appointment online with Rae Denman, or complete our enquiry form below.

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