Top 5 Questions and Answers about Port Wine Stain Birthmark Tattooing


As a specialist Medical Tattooist, I understand the distress that a visible difference can cause, and the impact it can have on your life in terms of confidence and well-being. Having worked with many patients with visible skin conditions, my approach will be to treat you with empathy and care, right from the initial consultation. My objective is to achieve the results that are right for you.

For some people with port wine stains, these become part of their identity over the years, and a special feature that makes them unique. If this is the case for you, you may prefer to partially conceal rather than fully cover the area. Medical Tattooing cannot remove your port wine stain, but it can help by implanting skin coloured pigment to tone down the red/purple colouring.

At Rae Denman Medical Tattoo & Expert Witness Ltd we receive many enquires for Port Wine Stain Birthmark Tattooing. To help patients who are considering this treatment I’ve formulated the Top 5 Q&As about tattooing Port Wine Stains for you in this quick and easy-to-read blog.

Top 5 Q&As

1. How many sessions will I need?
This is very dependent on how large and how dark your birthmark is. Generally, it will be between two to eight sessions, lasting one to three hours, each session being four to eight weeks apart.

2. Can I wear camouflage cream or makeup after my session?
You will need to wait until the top layer of skin is healed before wearing camouflage cream or makeup. This will take between 3-10 days depending on how quickly you heal. The majority of patients find they heal between three to six days.

3. My eyes weep a lot which removes or smudges my makeup, can this area be tattooed?
Yes it can, we can go right up to the eyeline but it is often a very reactive area and may swell, so only a certain amount of tattooing can be performed at each session on this area.

4. Do you work over the whole birthmark on each session?
That is dependent on each persons requirements and the size of the birthmark. If the birthmark covers over a quarter of your face, we can discuss your preference. It can all be covered in a session but the amount of coverage you get in each area will be less. Or, we can concentrate on a smaller area and get more coverage and spread the coverage over each session. This is something that we will discuss during the consultation, and can remain flexible during the treatment process.

5. How long will the tattooing last?
Again, this is very dependent on each individual, but the majority of patients come back for a colour boost every one to three years. As long as you haven’t left the tattoo to fade more than 50% you should only need one to two sessions for a colour boost.


If you would like to read more about medical tattooing for port wine stain birthmarks, including how medical tattooing works, pre and post-treatment information, and contraindications click on the link below:

Port Wine Stain Removal London | Surrey – Rae Denman


To book a consultation, use this direct link. Read the FAQ’s and Book Your Appointment online with Rae Denman, or complete our enquiry form below.


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