Brow Techniques – Never too good to stop learning

When you know how to do something well, it’s time to look at the younger generation and see how they are doing it. They are the ones that push boundaries, techniques, and styles. So it was with a light heart and an open mind that I set off at 4am on a cold autumn morning to travel to Huddersfield. Thankfully the roads were clear and I had good company so that when we arrived at 9am we were ready and willing to learn.

Brow techniques are always changing as are Brow fashions. The heavy dark brows are thankfully a style of the past, and a new fluffy fuller, natural brow is worn by the young and the old alike.

Don’t be put off by this. Brows are never worn the same by everyone, and each person that comes into the clinic will be treated differently according to what suits them.

Amy Bissett who I had had the pleasure of meeting at a conference a few years ago, was perfecting beautiful combi brows that mix Hairstrokes (where there is a lack of hair at the bulb), with a soft shaded finish to the rest of the brow.

Time for training

We spent the morning going through the basics, such as drawing on the shape including new products available to help this process, types of needles, and all the different pigments that are now on the market.

It was interesting to get everyone’s perspective on all the products that are out there, a market that is now saturated with ‘the new best thing’. It seemed as if we all agreed with the type of products we liked, the ones that had good retention and were easy to implant.

For the afternoon we had a model arrive who had recently had her lovely full brows over plucked and was so disappointed by the thin shape she now had. Amy explained to her the process of permanent makeup including the risks and the aftercare. We then spent the whole afternoon seeing the technique in action.

We will follow up in four weeks to see how the healed result is




This kind of brow can be so good for so many different ages and styles as it can be made as soft and subtle as needed, whilst also being able to be as defined and strong if required.


I just want to say a huge Thank you to Amy for sharing her knowledge, and to Kim Duffy for joining me on the journey.


If you’re looking for ease, safety, style, and quality get in touch to have your brows tattooed saving you lots of time on a daily basis.