I became involved with The Katie Piper Foundation back in 2011. I had been working in hospitals helping people cover burns, scars and birthmarks with Camouflage creams, and knew that a wider spread of knowledge about Camouflage was needed. It is still not regularly spoken about or known about.

Katie Piper Foundation


There are a few charities that offer free camouflage services, but if people are not shown how to correctly apply with the exact colour match, this can really dissuade them from using the products and asking for more help.

I first started working with the Katie Piper Foundation workshops, where a group of professional makeup artists, hairdressers, nail artists and Camouflage practitioners would all give practical advice and hands on techniques to help people recovering from burns. Knowledge that had taken years to obtain through experience and practice was freely given in a comfortable atmosphere where understanding, non judgement, empathy and fun could be mixed to create a safe, relaxed atmosphere for burn survivors.

I was privileged to work with a Burn’s Survivor to make a time lapse Video with The Telegraph Online in conjunction with The Katie Piper Foundation. Take a Look at the video on my Home Page 


Katie Piper Foundation

The Katie Piper Foundation’s aim is to have a world where scars do not limit a person’s function, social inclusion or sense of well being. They help people with burns and scars to reconnect with their lives and their communities.